Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lanzamiento de MARZOOOOO!

Y que tal les viene quedando el ojo con tanta belleza?!!?

Y es que este lanzamiento esta SUPER HERMOSOOOO!

Yo decidi usar el set de Besitos de Animalitos y En La Selva

Ambos sets estan agotados por el momento 
en la tienda de DILO EN ESPAÑOL
Pero varias distribuidoras ya los tendran esta semana!!

Y decidi hacer una linda cajita!
La cajita hermosa la pueden encontrar en 

Que les parece?! A poco no es una ternura total?! 

Recuerden que este mes tenemos ya el RETO VIGENTE!!!

Es usar animalitos en sus proyectos!

Les dejo el link para que vayan a ver los detalles del RETO!

MIL Gracias chicas por participar dejandonos mensajitos hermosos!

SUERTE A TODAS y nos vemos a mediados 
de este mes con OTRO LANZAMIENTO!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How You Bean? Candace's Birthday Blog Hop!!!!!

Hello, How you Bean?! Welcome to Candace's Birthday Blog Hop!

Today we are celebrating our dear friend Candace's birthday!
This hop is sponsored by SVG Cutting Files and Jaded Blossom!
Now if you are here from JEANNE then you're in the right place, if not then you may want to start in the beginning. If you get lost I have the entire line up below this post.
And since we all know how much Candace LOVES her coffee, well what else but cute coffee inspired lollipop holders! I had envisioned See's Candy cappuccino flavored pops on these but couldn't get a hold of any!! Maybe by the time I see her I will get them!

 Of course Ann from SVG Cutting Files created these 
ADORABLE files and you can find them HERE!
Birthday Hop Prizes

What's a party without some goodies??

In order to enter to win our goodies, please make sure to do the following:
1- Follow every blog on this hop
2- Comment on each stop of this hop
3- Like the Jaded Blossoms Fan Page
4-Like the SVG Cutting File Fan Page
Next up on the Hop.....
Here is the complete line up
Jamie -
Mel - 
GiGi - 
 Crystal - 
Stefani - 
Katie W & Katie M 
Kate - 
 and last but not least, the Birthday Girl herself
Candace -

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Abby's My Little Pony BDay Party!!!

Good morning everyone! Today is my daughter's bday and yesterday we had her bday celebration!

and all I can say is I AM GLAD WE ARE DONE! Seriously, I had been prepping for this one for MONTHS and I still missed so many things! One of them that I regret the most not doing was the wall size rainbow that I had planned for the candy table! I bought all the TULLE for it and ran out of time!!:( But, my princess had SOOOO MUCH FUN! 

Here are some pictures!

Lizeth amiga sin ti.... esta fiesta no hubiese sido lo que fue!